
Dear Everyone,

What a glorious day!

Our Korczak School students had been preparing for the big event for over a week. They practiced their classical Thai song and dance performances. They created an art exhibit of their own original photography. They wrote speeches and memorized every word. They even baked cakes and cookies on the day before the event.

The good news first: it wasn’t a major a fire. It didn’t rage on for hours.

This one, fortunately, was quickly contained. The folks rallied – using fire extinguishers and buckets of water – and they raced to set up a portable pump to open a hydrant. Thank goodness we had a strong rain a few hours earlier.

Little Scientists

25 สิงหาคม 2557

Last week our 2,500 kindergarten students enjoyed a full day of activities dedicated the joy of science. Our children discovered what life looks like under a magnifying glass and how to blow bubbles. Plus other super fun activities!

Dear Everyone,

A few quick notes:

First, because several friends heard I was ailing and I don’t want people to worry.

Just for a while

7 กรกฎาคม 2557

By Father Joe Maier
Published by Bangkok Post, Sunday Edition, Spectrum, July 6, 2004

Miss Tang: she’s one of the happiest girls I have ever met. And you can just close your eyes and visualise her — a super kid at the top of her game of life. Hasn’t lost a battle yet, although she’s been battered and bruised much too often for any teenager.

Slum Priest in Bangkok

7 กรกฎาคม 2557

From the Huffington Post, June 24:

By Katherine Marshall